Today’s #kanji is #師. It is listed under the radical of #はば(巾) but its semantic element is the left-hand side (ノ and 㠯) and 帀 is the phonetic element, though 師 and 帀 don’t share a sound in Japanese.
Today’s #kanji is #師. It is listed under the radical of #はば(巾) but its semantic element is the left-hand side (ノ and 㠯) and 帀 is the phonetic element, though 師 and 帀 don’t share a sound in Japanese.
Today’s #kanji is #常, which is made of its semantic element of #はばへん(巾) and phonetic element of 尚, though 常 and 尚 don’t share quite the same sound.
Today’s second #kanji is #帰. I believe most kanji dictionaries list this under the radical of はば(巾). Originally this kanji…