Today’s #kanji is 曲, which is listed under the radical of #ひらび(日) but it is a pictograph of a round container made by bending wood.

Today’s #kanji is 曲, which is listed under the radical of #ひらび(日) but it is a pictograph of a round container made by bending wood.
Today’s #kanji is 更 listed under #ひらび(日) but it apparently is made of its semantic element of 攴(ボク) and phonetic element of 丙 though 丙 and 更 don’t share a sound
Today’s second #kanji is #書, which is listed under the radical of #ひらび(曰). The top part 聿 means “a brush”…
Today’s first #kanji is #日, which makes its own radical. It is a pictograph for the sun. Make sure you…
meaning: spring reading: シュン、はる 春秋(シュンジュウ): spring and autumn, years, age春眠(シュンミン)春眠暁を覚えず(シュンミンあかつきをおぼえず)= In spring one sleeps a sleep that knows no…