Today’s first #kanji is #南, which is listed under the radical of 十. Some people draw a 羊 (sheep) inside,…
Today’s first #kanji is #十, which makes its own radical. Many of my students write the vertical line first like…
Today’s second #kanji is #午, which is listed under the radical of #十. Make sure to keep the vertical line…
Today’s second #kanji is #半. This is listed under the radical of #十. The 2 diagonal strokes at the top…
meaning: thousand reading: セン(ゼン)、ち 千(セン): a thousand千客万来(センキャクバンライ)である:have a great number of visitors/customers千金(センキン)(の): priceless. worth a thousand dollars千里眼(センリガン): clairvoyance海千山千(うみセンやまセン)(の): hard-bitten, tested…