Today’s #Kanji is 因, which is listed under the radical of #くにがまえ(囗) but the 因 is apparently a pictograph. 因 is the original form of the character …
Today’s #kanji is #夫, which is a compound ideograph between 大 (big) and 一. This is a for a kanzashi, an ornamental hairpin, which is used in a coming-of-age ceremony.
太 is made of 大 and 丶. Its original meaning was rather positive but both the adjective and the verb with this kanji now have rather negative sound.
meaning: sky, heaven reading: テン、あめ、あま 天(テン、あめ): the sky, the air, the heavens天下(テンカ): the world, the whole land天才(テンサイ): a genius天災(テンサイ):…
#大 is a pictograph that depict a person with all limbs spread out, from which it means “big.” 大 itself…