Today’s #kanji is #未, which is apparently a pictogram of a tree with many branches. Then, do you know what…
Today’s #kanji is #末, which is a logogram consisting of 木 (a tree) and a line in the upper part,…
Today’s #kanji is #業, which is listed under the radical of 木 in my dictionary, but it is apparently a…
Today’s #kanji is #森. Another 木 (tree) is added to the last kanji I posted about. 森 is definitely a…
Today’s #kanji is #林, which is made of 2 x 木s. Some say this is a pictograph and other say…
Today’s second #kanji is #集, which is made of #ふるとり(隹) and 木. Its original form was 雧 (= 3 x…
Today’s second #kanji is #来, which is listed under the radical of 木. Its original form,來, is a pictograph for…
Today’s first #kanji is #本. It’s listed under the radical of 木(き). Meaning: origin, root, base, this, the counter for…
Today’s first #kanji is #東, which is listed under the radical of 木. Meaning: eastReading: トウ、ひがし、あずま(あづま)* 東京(トウキョウ): Tokyo (the capital…
Today’s first #kanji is #木, which makes its onw radical. 木 is a pictograph, depicting a standing tree. Meaning: a…
#楽 is listed under the radical of #木 but it is a pictograph depicting various musical instruments placed on the…