Today’s #kanji is 歳, which is listed under #とめへん(止). However, its semantic element is 歩 and phonetic element is 戉 though 歳 and 戉 don’t share a sound.

Today’s #kanji is 歳, which is listed under #とめへん(止). However, its semantic element is 歩 and phonetic element is 戉 though 歳 and 戉 don’t share a sound.
Today’s #kanji is #止, which makes its own radical. Apparently it is a pictograph and my dictionary lists two different…
Today’s second #kanji is #歩. 歩 is made of 止 (to stop) and 少 (a little, a few), Some people…
#正 is listed under the radical of #とめへん(止). Apparently 止 has a meaning of a foot and with 一 (one) added, 正 means to advance straight forward, from which …