The main meaning of おなじ is “the same” or “identical” and we use it a lot in everyday life. Many beginners’ textbooks introduce it as a なadjective or a noun but it does not always behave like either.
Today’s Question
Torii gates here have the same shape.
ここの とりいは かたちが おなじ です。
=ここの とりいは おなじ( )かたちです。
a. が b. な c. の d. leave it blank
おなじ Before です/だ
エイミーさんとは しょくばが おなじです。
Amy and I work at the same place.ジョンさんとは がっこうが おなじでした。
John and I went to the same school.この 二人は なまえが おなじだが、べつべつの ひと だ。
These 2 people have the same name, but they are not the same person.
おなじ Before a noun
まいにち エイミーさんと おなじ コーヒーを かいます。
Everyday, I buy the same coffee as Amy does.きょねん ジョンさんと おなじ ひこうきに のりました。
Last year, John and I boarded the same plane.あのひとは あねと おなじ アパートに すんでいます。
That person over there lives in the same flats my sister lives in.
Here おなじ is used before a noun. Normally, if it is a なadjective, you need な before the noun and if it is a noun, we add の between 2 nouns but おなじ does not need either な or の. It behaves like a pre-noun adjectival like おおきな and ちいさな.
The answer to Today’s question
The correct answer is d. leave it blank.
Can be used with the nominaliser の without any particle
の can be used like an English “one.”
あれと おなじのを ください。
Can I have the same as that one.きのう おなじのを かいました。
I bought a same one yesterday.
For more beginners’ study material, please visit JLPT N5 Grammar and JLPT N5 Kanji pages.
JLPT N4 level
If you are a beginner, please stop reading here and come back when you learn ~よう and ~なら
Can be used with よう without any particle
I want a bag similar to Amy’s.同じように してください。
Please do the same.
When おなじ is used with ~なら
おなじ can be used as an adverb in a clause with ~なら (for stating a condition) and means something like “anyway” or “at all.” This おなじ can often be substituted with どうせ.
If we’re going to eat something at all, we may as well eat something that tastes good.同じ泳ぐならボンダイビーチが良いよ。
I’m going to swim at all, I’d rather swim in Bondi Beach.同じ行くなら北海道は夏がいい。
If we’re going to Hokkaido anyway, we may as well go in summer.
For the usage of the kanji 同, please click here. It is an N4 kanji.
For more study material for JLPT N4 exam, please visit JLPT N4 Grammar and Vocab and JLPT N4 Kanji pages.
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