Which of the 4 words can be used in all these brackets?
- きょうは ( )います。あめが ふりそうです。
- バスの なかで めがねが ( ) こまりました。
- 母の 目が なみだで ( )いた。
- かがみが よごれで ( ) いる。
a. くもって b. こまって c. ぬれて d. はれて
The answer is a. くもって.
くもる means “to become cloudy/overcast” and/or “to fog up.” So the translation of each option is:
- It’s cloudy today. It seems it will rain.
- I was embarrassed on the bus because my glasses got fogged up.
- My mother’s eyes were blinded with tears. (= Tears blurred my mother’s vision.)
- The mirror is tarnished with dirt.
As the verb くもる describes the change from being clear to not being clear, if you are going to describe the condition/state of being cloudy / fogged up, you need to say くもって いる/いた as in the examples.