Mother: サンドイッチできたわよ。
Son: いまは なにも たべたくないから、おなかが から たべるよ。
a. すいて b. すいた c. すかない d. すく
The translation is:
Mum: I made some sandwich for you.
Son: As I don’t feel like eating anything now, I will eat it ______ hungry.
So, the most logical phrase to fill in the blank would be “when/after I feel” which in Japanese can be expressed using a. すいて.
I have written about the difference between [てform] + から and [たform] + から a few times already but I still see many people making mistakes with this pair. You need to remember:
[てform] + から = … and then ~
[たform] + から = because…, ~
= Let’s eat after the timer goes off.
= Let’s eat now that the timer has gone off.宿題(しゅくだい)をしてからテレビを見(み)よう。
= I’ll watch TV after I do my homework.
= I’ll watch TV now that I have done my homework.掃除(そうじ)をしてから、買(か)い物(もの)に行(い)く。
= I’m going shopping after I clean.
= I’m going shopping now that I have cleaned.ご飯(はん)が炊(た)けてからみそ汁(しる)を作(つく)ろう。
= I’ll make miso soup after the rice is cooked.
= I’ll make miso soup now that the rice has been cooked.お父(とう)さんが会社(かいしゃ)に行(い)ってからゲームをしよう。
= Let’s play a game after Dad goes to work.
= Let’s play a game now that Dad has gone to work.コーヒーを飲(の)んでから仕事(しごと)ができた。
= I could work after I had coffee.
= I could work because I had coffee.
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