Which にぎやか is not used correctly?
a. あのひとは いつも にぎやかだ。
b. きょうは ひとりで しごとを したから、にぎやかだった。
c. にぎやかな とおりを あるいた。
d. パーティーは とても にぎやかだった。
にぎやか is often translated as “busy” or “lively.” However, this “busy” is for “bustling = busy with people,” not for “busy with lots of things to do.” Therefore, にぎやか in c. is incorrectly used. It should be きょうは ひとりで しごとを したから、いそがしかった。(As I worked alone today, I was busy.)
Translation of the other sentences are:
a. She is always lively (attracts lots of attention).
c. I walked along a busy (bustling) street.
d. The party was very busy (full of people).
いそがしい is the other word which is often translated as “busy” but いそがしい describes a condition where an urgent matters appears one after the other and a person cannot get rested.
きょうは とても いそがしかった。
It was very busy today.
あの ひとは いつも いそがしい。
That person is always busy (doing something).