Today’s #kanji is 与, which is listed under the radical of #いち(一). 与 used to be written as 與 and it is a compound ideograph made of 舁 (to hold up) and 与 (to give).
Meaning: to give, to take part in, to go into partnership
Reading: ヨ、あた、あずか*、くみ*
与党(ヨトウ): the ruling party, the party in power, the incumbent party
関与(カンヨ)する: to take part (in…), to participate (in…)
給与(キュウヨ): pay, a salary, wages, (an) allowance
授与(ジュヨ)する: to give, to grant, to award
賞与(ショウヨ): a bonus
贈与(ゾウヨ)する: to give, to present, to donate
貸与(タイヨ)する: to lend, to lease, to loan
与(あた)える: to give, to award, to present, to provide; to cause
Unofficial Readings
与(あずか)る: to take part in…, to participate in …; to receive, to enjoy
与(くみ)する: to join, to join up with …, to be on the side of…
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- いち




