Today’s first #kanji is #中, which is listed under the radical of #たてぼう(丨). Its original meaning is an arrow (丨) hitting the middle of the target (口).
Meaning: middle, centre, inside, etc.
中学校(チュウガッコウ): a junior high school (years 7 to 9) – can be shortened as 中学(チュウガク)
中心(チュウシン): the centre, the heart, the middle
中国(チュウゴク): China (the shortened form of
中立(チュウリツ): neutrality, neutralization
最中(サイチュウ/サなか): (in) the middle (of …), (at) the height (of ….)
心中(シンチュウ): the heart, the mind, a person’s inmost thoughts
心中(シンジュウ): a family suicide, a double suicide
道中(ドウチュウ): a journey, a tour, a trip
中庭(なかにわ): a courtyard
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