Today’s first #kanji is #九, which is listed under the radical of #おつにょう(乙). The Katakana ノ should be written first and the second stroke has to curve out and jump up at the end. Otherwise, you may mix this up with the katakana カ.
Meaning: 9 (nine)
九本(キュウホン)のバラ: nice roses
九死(キュウシ)に一生(イッショウ)を得(え)る: have a narrow escape from death, escape death by the skin of one’s teeth
九時(クジ): 9 o’clock
九月(クガツ): September
九九(クク): a multiplication table, the times table
十中八九(ジュッチュウハック): in nine cases out of ten, in all likelihood
九(ここの)つの飴(あめ): 9 candies, 9 lollies
九日(ここのか): the 9th day of a month, 9 days long
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