Today’s #kanji is #予, which is listed under the radical of #はねぼう(亅)and it is a pictograph depicting a hand forcibly giving things. Can you tell what each of these examples means?
Meaning: in advance, to hesitate, to give
Reading: ヨ、あらかじ*
予感(ヨカン): [noun] a premonition, a hunch
予見(ヨケン)する: [vt] to foresee, to foreknow
予言(ヨゲン)する: [vt] to foretell, to predict, to prophesy
予告(ヨコク)する: [vt] to notify beforehand, to give (advance) notice
予選(ヨセン): [noun] a preliminary match/contest, a preliminary heat
予想(ヨソウ)する: [vt] to expect, to forecast, to anticipate
予定(ヨテイ): [noun] a program, a plan, a schedule
予報(ヨホウ): [noun] a forecast, a prediction
予防(ヨボウ): [noun] prevention, protection, precaution
猶予(ユウヨ): [noun] postponement, (a) deferment
reading not in the list of common use
予(あらかじ)め: [adv] beforehand, in advance