Today’s second #kanji is #今, which is listed under #ひとがしら(𠆢), which is a different form of にんべん(亻). Please pay attention to compound readings of some phrases using this kanji (such as 今日).
Meaning: now, current, immediate, this
今週(コンシュウ): this week
今月(コンゲツ): this month
今後(コンゴ): in the future, from now on
昨今(サッコン): these days, recently, lately
今(いま): now, (at) this moment, at present
今(いま)一度(イチド): once more, once again
<Compound words with its own reading>
今日(きょう): today – can be read as コンニチ, which sounds much more formal.
今朝(けさ): this morning – can be read as コンチョウ, which sounds much more formal.
今年(ことし): this year – can be read as コンネン, which sounds much more formal.
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