Today’s second #kanji is #会, which is listed under the radical of 人. 会 and 合 are both used in verbs with あう reading, so you need to be able to differentiate the meanings.
Meaning: to meet, to see
会社(カイシャ): a company, a corporation
会計(カイケイ): (the) accounts, finance; a bill, payment
会話(カイワ): (a) conversation, a chat
学会(ガッカイ): an academic society, an academic conference
教会(キョウカイ): a church, a congregation
会得(エトク)する: to understand, to comprehend, to grasp (the meaning of…)
会(あ)う: to meet, to see, to be involved in (something undesirable)
cf. 合う(あ)う: to match, to fit, to come together, to conform, to be correct
出会(であ)い: a meeting, an encounter
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