Today’s second #kanji is #何, which is made of #にんべん(イ ) and 可. 可 is the onyomi indicator, but it is rare to read this in onyomi.
Meaning: what, how (a question word)
Reading: カ、なに、なん、いず*
誰何(スイカ)する: to challenge (an unknown person)
何色(なにいろ): what colour?
何事(なにごと): what, whatever; an important matter, a crisis
何者(なにもの): who; somebody; nobody (with ない)
何人(なにジン): what nationality?
何人(なんニン): how many people?
何日(なんニチ): what day of the month?
何曜日(なんヨウび): what day of the week?
何(いず)れ: which; where; anyway, after all
<Difficult Reading>
何故(なぜ/なにゆえ): why
何処(どこ/いずこ): where
如何(いかん/いかが): how, what
如何(いか)に: how, in what way; however…
For the explanation when to read it なに and when to read it なん, read my old article:
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