Today’s first #kanji is #南, which is listed under the radical of 十. Some people draw a 羊 (sheep) inside, but be careful there are only two lines across (more like a yen mark: ¥).
Meaning: south
Reading: ナン、ナ、みなみ
南国(ナンゴク): a country lying in southern latitudes, the south, the tropics
南蛮(ナンバン): Southeast Asian countries
南蛮人(ナンバンジン): Europeans who came to Japan in the Muromachi and Edo periods
南中(ナンチュウ): southing, culmination
南(みなみ)に向(む)かう: to turn south, to go to the south
南側(みなみがわ): the south side
南半球(みなみハンキュウ): the southern hemisphere
<Customary Reading>
南瓜(かぼちゃ): a pumpkin
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