#多 is listed under the radical of #ゆうべ(夕/evening). With 2 夕 put together, 多 means something that continues unlimitedly from this evening to the next evening.
Meaning: many, much
Reading: タ、おお
多少(タショウ): somewhat
多分(タブン): probably, likely
多分(タブン)(の/に): much, a large quantity
多忙(タボウ)(な): busy
多様(タヨウ)(な): various, diverse
過多(カタ): an excess, a surplus
雑多(ザッタ)(な): sundry, miscellaneous
繁多(ハンタ)(な): complicated, difficult
多(おお)い: many or much
多い is an いadjective but as I wrote on Monday, it is not used in front of a noun in order to say “a large number/amount of xxx”.
多い is an いadjective but as I wrote on Monday, it is not used in front of a noun in order to say “a large number/amount of xxx”.
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