Today’s #kanji is 存, which is listed under the radical of #こども(子). 存 is a compound ideograph made of 子 (a child, somebody weak) and a simplified form of 在.
Meaning: to be, to exist, to stay alive, to keep, to know, etc.
Reading: ソン、ゾン
存在(ソンザイ): existence, being, subsistence
存続(ソンゾク)する: to continue, to endure, to last
存外(ゾンガイ): contrary to one’s expectations, beyond expectation
存(ゾン)じる: to know, to be aware (of …); to think, to consider
存命(ゾンメイ): living, alive, surviving
依存(イゾン)する: to depend (on…), to be dependent (on …)
現存(ゲンゾン)の: existing, living, actual, extent
実存(ジツゾン): existence
生存(セイゾン)する : to exist, to live, to survive
保存(ホゾン)する: to preserve, to conserve, to keep, to maintain; to save (a file to disk)
For more JLPT N3 study material, please visit JLPT N3 Grammar and JLPT N3 Kanji pages.
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