Meaning: house
Reading: カ、ケ、いえ、や、うち*
家族(カゾク): a family, one’s family (members)
家庭(カテイ): a household, a family
一家(イッカ): (somebody’s) entire family, a family
家来(ケライ): a retainer, a follower
鈴木家(すずきケ): the Suzuki family (a suffix for a family name)
家(いえ): a house (building), a family
家出(いえで): running away from home
家主(やぬし): a landlord
貸家(かしや): a rented house
吉野家(よしのや): Yoshinoya – a gyuudon chain in Japan.
家 or 屋 is often used for a business name.
Common but unconventional reading:
家(うち)*: a house, one’s house (home)
#家 is made of #うかんむり(宀) and 豕. うかんむり indicates association with a house or a building and 豕 is a pig, so 家 originally meant a pig hut.
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