Today’s #kanji is 対, which is listed under the radical of #スン(寸). 対 used to be written as 對, which is a compound ideograph made of 丵(a thick growth of plants) + 口 (words) + 寸 (ordinance).
Meaning: to respond, to face, a pair
Reading: タイ、ツイ
対(タイ): versus, against; to, etc.
対応(タイオウ)する: to correspond to, to be equivalent to; to tackle, to deal with, to address
対角(タイカク)線(セン): a diagonal line
対決(タイケツ)する: to confront, to have a showdown
対策(タイサク): a measure, a step, a countermeasure
対象(タイショウ): an object, a subject, a target
対立(タイリツ)する: to be opposed to (each other), to confront
絶対(ゼッタイ): absoluteness
反対(ハンタイ): opposition, resistance, objection; the opposite, the contrary, the other
対(ツイ): a pair, a couple, a brace; a companion (to …)
対句(ツイク): an antithesis, a couplet
For more JLPT N3 study materials, please visit my JLPT N3 Kanji page as well as JLPT N3 Grammar page.
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- すん