Today’s second #kanji is #左, which is listed under the radical of 工. Although it does not have either of the katakana sounds, you can remember it as ナ and エ. なえ(苗) means “seedling” in Japanese.
Meaning: left (⇔ right), inferior (although 左大臣 is higher than 右大臣)
Reading: サ、ひだり
左右(サユウ): right and left, left and right
左右(サユウ)する: to control, to influence
左折(サセツ)する: to turn to the left, make a left turn
左遷(サセン): relegation, demotion, degradation
左大臣(サダイジン): the Minister of the Left (in medieval and pre-modern Japan) – lower than 太政大臣(ダジョウダイジン) but higher than 右大臣(ウダイジン)
左翼(サヨク): the left wing, [baseball] left field
左(ひだり): left (opposite of right)
左手(ひだりて): the left hand, the left
左側(ひだりがわ): the left (side)
左利き(ひだりきき)(の): left-handed
左前(ひだりまえ): the wrong way (Usually kimono is worn left over right but the white funeral garment of the deceased is worn right over left. From this, 左前 is considered inauspicious), an economic recession.
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