This week’s #kanji is #幸. This kanji is usually listed under the radical of 干 (ほす/かん) but apparently it is a compound ideograph of 夭 (dying young) and 屰 (to resist) – you can’t tell that from how it’s written now! Anyway, so its original meaning is “to live long.” I’m not sure if living long is a promise of 幸 these days – I suddenly realize how similar 幸 and 辛 look ….
Meaning: happiness, blessing
Reading: コウ、さいわ、さち、しあわ
幸運(コウウン)(な): fortunate, lucky, happy
幸福(コウフク)(な): happy, blissful
不幸(フコウ)(な): unfortunate, unlucky, ill-fated, unhappy
多幸(タコウ)(な): happy, fortunate, lucky, blessed
幸(さいわ)い(な): lucky, fortunate, happy
幸(さち): happiness, fortune, luck; a catch, good food
海(うみ)の幸(さち): seafood, products of the sea, marine products
幸(しあわ)せ(な): happy, lucky, fortunate
Difficult Reading
御幸/行幸(みゆき): a visit of the emperor, an imperial visit, imperial attendance
幸先(さいさき): a good sign, an omen of things to come
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