Today’s third #kanji is #店. It’s made of #まだれ(广) and 占. 广 is associated with a house, or a roof. 占 has the meaning of “occupying.”
Meaning: a shop
Reading: テン、みせ、たな*
店員(テンイン): a (store) clerk, a shop assistant
店長(テンチョウ): a store manager, a shop manager
喫茶店(キッサテン): a tea-room, a coffee shop, a cafe
開店(カイテン): the opening of a shop
閉店(ヘイテン)する: to close the shop (for the day); to wind up one’s business
書店(ショテン): a bookseller’s, a bookstore
店(みせ): a shop, a store
店開き(みせびらき): opening of business, commencement (of an enterprise)
夜店(よみせ): a night fair, a night stall
<Difficult Reading>
店子(たなこ): a tenant
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