Today’s #kanji is 式, which is listed under its semantic element of #しきがまえ(弋). Its phonetic element is 工, although 式 and 工 don’t share a sound in Japanese.
Meaning: a ceremony, a form, an example to follow
Reading: シキ
式(シキ): a ceremony, a rite; a wedding (ceremony); a method, a system; an expression, an equation
式典(シキテン): a ceremony
型式(かたシキ): a model, a type
株式(かぶシキ): a stock, a share
儀式(ギシキ): a ceremony, formality, a rite, a ritual
組(く)み立(た)て式(シキ): prefabricated, demountable, knockdown
形式(ケイシキ): (a) form, (a) formality, a style, a manner
公式(コウシキ): a formula, formality
書式(ショシキ): a prescribed form, a format
正式(セイシキ)な/の: formal, regular, official
For more JLPT N3 study materials, please visit my JLPT N3 Kanji page as well as JLPT N3 Grammar page.
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