Today’s second #kanji is #後, which is made of #ぎょうにんべん(彳)+ 幺 (young) + 夂 (to delay) and its original meaning is “late”. Can you tell what it means altogether? There are 6 different ways of reading this character.
Meaning: to be late, behind, back, etc.
Reading: ゴ、コウ、のち、うし、あと、おく
後日(ゴジツ): the future, another day
午後(ゴゴ): the second half of the day, pm
放課後(ホウカゴ): after school (is over)
後期(コウキ): the latter period, the second semester
後輩(コウハイ): a person’s junior (the opposite of 先輩(センパイ))
後(のち)ほど: afterwards, later
家(いえ)の後(うし)ろ: behind the house
後(うし)ろに座(すわ)る: to sit at the back, to sit behind…
夕食(ユウショク)の後(あと): after dinner
後(おく)れを取(と)る: be beated, be defeated, fall behind
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