Today’s first #kanji is #思. It’s written with 田 (rice field ⇒ to produce) and 心(こころ).
Your thoughts are product of your mind (心), so this makes sense.
BTW, 心 used in the bottom part of a kanji is actually called したごころ(下心), which does not mean the same as a common noun 下心, a secret intention/desire.
Meaning: to think
思考(シコウ): thinking, thought, consideration
思春期(シシュンキ): (the age of) puberty, adolescence
意思(イシ): an intention, an intent
不思議(フシギ)(な): wonderful, wondrous, amazing, mysterious
思い(おもい): an idea, thought
思う(おもう): to think, to consider
思い出(おもいで): a memory, a recollection
思い出す(おもいだす): to recall, to recollect, to remember
思い上がり(おもいあがり): conceit, assumption
物思い(ものおもい): meditation, anxiety
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