This week’s second #kanji is #恥, which is made of its semantic element of #こころ(心) and phonetic element of 耳, though the sound of 恥 and 耳 are not exactly the same.
Meaning: shame
Reading: チ、は、はじ(ぱじ)
恥辱(チジョク): disgrace, dishonor, shame
羞恥心(シュウチシン): a sense of shame
恥(は)ずかしい: shamed, emrassassing/embarrased
恥(は)じる: to feel shame, to be shamed
恥(はじ): shame, disgrace, discredit, dishonor
恥(はじ)さらし(な): disgraceful, shameful
恥(はじ)知(し)らず: being shameless, having no sense of shame
赤(あか)っ恥(ぱじ): deep embarrassment, profound humiliation