Today’s first #kanji is #明.
#日 (the Sun) and #月 (the Moon) are together, so it must be very bright!
It has 4 common ways of reading it. It’s probably best if you remember them in words.
Meaning: bright, to brighten up
明日(ミョウニチ、あした): tomorrow
明後日(ミョウゴニチ、あさって): the day after tomorrow
証明(ショウメイ): proof, evidence, certification
照明(ショウメイ): illumination, lighting
明白(メイハク)(な): clear, evident, obvious
明月(メイゲツ): a bright moon, a full moon
中秋(チュウシュウ)の名月(メイゲツ): the harvest moon
明ける(あける): begin, be over
明かり(あかり): a light, a lamp
明るい(あかるい): light, bright, cheerful
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