Today’s second #kanji is #校, which is made of #きへん(木) and 交. 交 serves as the pronunciation indicator and it means to constrict or control. With 木 (a tree) added, 校 means a place for learning.
Meaning: school (building), to compare, to check
校庭(コウテイ): a school yard, school grounds
校正(コウセイ): proofreading; calibration
校訂(コウテイ): revision, textual collation
校閲(コウエツ): fact-checking of a manuscript
学校(ガッコウ): a school
休校(キュウコウ): (temporary) closure of a school, cancellation of classes
登校(トウコウ)する: to go to school, to attend school
下校(ゲコウ)する: to leave school, to come home from school
転校(テンコウ)する: to change from one school to another
将校(ショウコウ): a commissioned officer, a military officer
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