Today’s #kanji is 欠, which is listed under its own radical of #けんづくり(欠). It is also called #あくび. 欠 is a pictogram depicting a person yawning.
Meaning: to miss (a bit of something), to chip, to be short (of something)
Reading: ケツ(ケッ)、か
欠員(ケツイン): a vacancy, a vacant position, an opening
欠陥(ケッカン): a defect, a fault, a shortcoming
欠勤(ケッキン): absence from work
欠席(ケッセキ): absence; nonattendance
欠点(ケッテン): a fault, a defect, a flaw, a weak point
出欠(シュッケツ): attendance (and/or absence)
補欠(ホケツ): filling a vacancy; a substitute, a spare
欠(か)く: to chip, to nick; to lack, to be short of …; to neglect
欠(か)かす: to miss, to fail to …
欠(か)ける: to get a piece broken, to break (off); to become missing; to lack; (for the Moon) to wane