Today’s #kanji is 段, which is listed under its semantic element of #ほこづくり(殳) and its phonetic element is the left side, which is a simplified version of 耑, although the sound of 耑 is not exactly the same as 段.

Meaning: tiers
Reading: 段
段(ダン): n step, a stair, a stage
段階(ダンカイ): n. a step, a stage, a phase, a grade
段落(ダンラク): n. a paragraph, a stop
一段(イチダン): n. a step, a degree, a grade, a level
階段(カイダン): n. flight of stairs, a staircase, steps
格段(カクダン)の: remarkable
下段(カダン): n. the bottom shelf, the lower tier
手段(シュダン): n. a means, a measure, a method
上段(ジョウダン): n. the top shelf, the upper tier, the highest place
値段(ネダン):n. a price, a cost, a figure
- ほこづくり