Today’s #kanji is #民, which is listed under #氏. Apparently it is a logogram indicating increasing the number of people by bearing and raising children. Then can you tell what it means? Can you read it?
Meaning: people
Reading: ミン、たみ
民族(ミンゾク): a race, a people, a nation
民家(ミンカ): a private house
民間(ミンカン)(の): private, nonoficial, civil, popular
民謡(ミンヨウ): a folk song
人民(ジンミン): the people, the citizens, the public
移民(イミン): emigration, an emigrant, an immigrant
国民(コクミン): a people (of a nation), a nation
市民(シミン): a citizen, a resident
民(たみ): the people, subjects, a nation, a people
民(たみ)の声(こえ)は神(かみ)の声(こえ): vox populi, vox dei; The voice of the people is the voice of the gods
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