Today’s #kanji is 状, which is listed under its semantic element of #いぬ(犬). The radical 犬 is closely associated with #けものへん(犭). 状 used to be written as 狀 and its phonetic element is 爿.
Meaning: form, state, condition, letter, etc.
Reading: ジョウ
状況(ジョウキョウ): the state of affairs, conditions, circumstances
状(ジョウ)差(さ)し: a letter rack
状勢(ジョウセイ): the state of affairs, things, the situation, the picture
状態(ジョウタイ): the state (of things), the situation, condition, an appearance
液状(エキジョウ): liquefied, liquid, in liquid form
行状(ギョウジョウ): behaviour, conduct
形状(ケイジョウ): shape, form, configuration
現状(ゲンジョウ): the (present) state (of things), the state of affairs
令状(レイジョウ): a warrant, a writ
礼状(レイジョウ): a letter of appreciation, a thank-you letter
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