Today’s #kanji is 球, which is listed under its semantic element of #たまへん(玉/王). Its phonetic element is 求. It seems that 球 was considered a lot more precious in the olden days than it currently is.
Meaning: a ball, a sphere, a globe,etc.
Reading: キュウ、たま(だま)
球(キュウ): a sphere, a globe, a ball, a bulb
球技(キュウギ): a game in which a ball is used, a ball game; billiards
球根(キュウコン): 【plant】a bulb
球状(キュウジョウ): the shape of a globe, a spherical shape
球面(キュウメン): a spherical surface
地球(チキュウ): the earth, the planet Earth, the globe
電球(デンキュウ): an electric bulb, an incandescent lamp
野球(ヤキュウ): baseball
球(たま); a ball, an electric bulb
球(たま)拾(ひろ)い: picking up a ball, a ball boy/girl
隠(かく)し球(だま): an ace up one’s sleeve, a trump held back to be played when negotiations threaten to break down; 【baseball】 a hidden-ball trick
- たまへん