Today’s #kanji is 由, which is listed under the radical of #た(田) but 由 is a pictogram depicting a basket to filter unrefined sake.
Meaning: to derive, to stem, a reason
Reading: ユ、ユウ、ユイ、よし
由縁(ユエン): affinity, connection, relation
由来(ユライ): the origin, the history, the derivation, the source; originally, by nature
由(ユ)々しい: serious, grave, fatal, alarming
経由(ケイユ)する: to go by way of… , to go via…
自由(ジユウ): freedom, liberty
事由(ジユウ): a reason, a cause, a ground, conditions
理由(リユウ): (a) reason, an account, a pretext, an excuse
由緒(ユイショ): a history, an origin
由(よし): a reason, a ground, a cause; a means, away
由(よし)なし事(ごと): a trivial thing, trivialities
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- た