Today’s #kanji is 盗, which is listed under the radical of #さら(皿). 盗 is originally written as 盜 which is a compound ideograph made of 皿, a dish full of food, and 㳄 whose original form is 涎, drool.
Meaning: to steal, to do something secretly
Reading: トウ、ぬす
盗撮(トウサツ): sneak photography, photography with a hidden camera
盗賊(トウゾク): a thief, a robber, a burglar
盗聴(トウチョウ): wiretapping, bugging, listening in
盗難(トウナン): suffering (a) theft, being robbed
盗品(トウヒン): stolen goods, a stolen article
盗塁(トウルイ): 【baseball】 base stealing, a steal
強盗(ゴウトウ): a robber, a mugger; (a) robbery, a holdup
窃盗(セットウ): (a) theft, stealing
盗(ぬす)む: to steal, to rob; to plagiarize; to do something surreptitiously
盗人(ぬすっと/ぬすびと): a thief, a pilferer, a robber
For more JLPT N3 study materials, please visit my JLPT N3 Kanji page as well as JLPT N3 Grammar page.
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