Today’s #kanji is #研, which is listed under its semantic element of #いしへん(石). Its original form was 硏 and its sound element, 幵, has the meaning of “to flaten.” Then can you read it and can you see what 研 means?
Meaning: to sharpen, to investigate thoroughly
Reading: ケン、と
研究(ケンキュウ): research, studies, investigation
研究会(ケンキュウカイ): a society for the study of ~
研究所(ケンキュウショ): a (research) laboratory; an [a research] institute
研修(ケンシュウ): (study and) training; study training; in-service training
研修生(ケンシュウセイ): a trainee
研修医(ケンシュウイ): an intern(e)
研磨(ケンマ): grinding; abrasion; polishing
研(と)ぐ: to sharpen (a knife), to grind (an axe)
研(と)ぎ澄(す)ます: to sharpen to a fine finish, to polish up
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