Today’s #kanji is 突, which is listed under the radical of #あなかんむり(穴). 突 is a compound ideograph made of 穴 (a hole) and 犬 (a dog).
Meaning: to thrust, to hit, sudden
Reading: トツ(トッ)、つ
突起(トッキ): a projection, a bump
突撃(トツゲキ): a charge, a rush, a dash
突出(トッシュツ): projection, protrusion, prominence, salience; rupture; distinction, superiority
突如(トツジョ): suddenly, all of a sudden, unexpectedly
突進(トッシン): a rush, an onrush, a dash, a charge
突然(トツゼン): suddenly, all of a sudden, unexpectedly
突風(トップウ): a gust of wind, a blast of wind
激突(ゲキトツ): a crash
衝突(ショウトツ): a collision, a crash, an impact
突(つ)く: to pierce, to stab; to push, to thrust; to attack, etc.
- あなかんむり
Today's #kanji is 突, which is listed under the radical of #あなかんむり(穴). 突 is a c...
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