Today’s #kanji is #答, which is listed under its phonetic element of #たけかんむり(竹) in my dictionary, although 竹 and 答 do not share a sound in the modern Japanese. Its semantic element is 合.
Meaning: to answer, an answer
Reading: トウ(ドウ)、こた(ごた)
応答(オウトウ): a response, an answer, a reply
回答(カイトウ): an answer (to an enquiry/demand)
解答(カイトウ): an answer (to a question/problem)
誤答(ゴトウ): a wrong answer
正答(セイトウ): a correct answer
返答(ヘントウ): a reply
問答(モンドウ): questions and answers; [Buddhism] religious training in the form of questions and answers
答(こた)える: to answer, to reply
When you are responding to a stimulus or rewarding, 応(こた)える is used instead.
答(こた)え: an answer, a reply; a response
口答(くちごた)え: answering back, talking back
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