This week’s #kanji is #罪, which is made of its semantic element of #あみがしら(罒) and its phonetic element of 非, although 罪 and 非 don’t share a sound in Japanese. Apparently its original meaning is a net that is used to catch fish. Then, can you tell what it means now?
Meaning: sin
Reading: ザイ、つみ
罪悪(ザイアク): a crime, a sin
罪悪感(ザイアクカン): guilt, a sense of guilt
原罪(ゲンザイ): original sin
殺人罪(サツジンザイ):murder, a murder charge
謝罪(シャザイ): (an) apology
重罪(ジュウザイ): a felony, a mjor offense
犯罪(ハンザイ): an offense, a crime
無罪(ムザイ): being not guilty, innocence
有罪(ユウザイ): guiltiness, criminality
罪(つみ): a crime, a wrongdoing, a sin; a penalty; responsibility
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- あみがしら
- 非
