Today’s #kanji is 置, which is listed under its semantic element of #あみがしら(罒). Its phonetic element is 直, although 置 and 直 don’t share a sound in Japanese.
Meaning: to place, to position
Reading: チ、お
置換(チカン): substitution, replacement, displacement
安置(アンチ)する: to enshrine, to lay in state
位置(イチ): a situation, a location; a position
常置(ジョウチ)する: to keep … permanently
処置(ショチ): disposal, management; treatment
設置(セッチ)する: to establish, to set up, to create
装置(ソウチ): equipment, (an) installation, a device, etc.
措置(ソチ): a measure, a step, a move, action
配置(ハイチ): (an) arrangement, (a) placement, posting
置(お)く: to put, to place; to set; to install, etc.
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