Today’s first #kanji is #聞, which is made of 門 (a gate) and 耳 (an ear). I think you can easily imagine that sounds are coming in through a gate, so this is more for “hearing” than “listening.” For “listening”, 聴 is often used. Both 聞 and 聴 are listed under the radical of 耳.
Meaning: to hear
新聞(シンブン): a newspaper, the press
見聞(ケンブン): information, knowledge, observation
内聞(ナイブン): a secret, secrecy, private information
聞(き)く: to hear, to listen to, to hear of …, to obey, to ask
聞(き)こえる: to be able to hear, to be heard, to reach, to sound, to be well known
聞(き)き耳(みみ)を立(た)てる: to be all ears, to listen for…
見聞(みき)きする: to experience, to observe
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