Today’s #kanji is 落, which is listed under its semantic element of #くさかんむり(艹). Its phonetic element is 洛, which has the meaning of falling.
Meaning: to fall, to drop, to lose, to defeat
Reading: ラク、お
落(ラク)書(が)き: graffiti, scribbling, doodling
落語(ラクゴ): a comic story told by a professional story teller
落札(ラクサツ): a successful bid
落第(ラクダイ)する: to fail (an examination); to be rejected
陥落(カンラク)する: to surrender, to fall, to be reduced to a lower rank, to be demoted
集落(シュウラク): a community, a settlement, a town, a village
転落(テンラク)する: to fall, to roll off, to degrade
落(お)ちる: (vi) to fall, to drop, to collapse; to set, to sink; to be left out; to come off; to fail
落(お)とす: (vt) to drop, to throw down; to lose, to take away, to remove; to deduct, etc.
洒落(シャレ): a witticism, a joke, a pun, word play
お洒落(おシャレ): dressing up, putting on nice clothes
For more JLPT N3 study materials, please visit my JLPT N3 Kanji page as well as JLPT N3 Grammar page.
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- くさかんむり