Today’s #kanji is 術, which is listed under its semantic element of #ぎょうがまえ(行). Its phonetic element is 朮.
Meaning: method, measures, art, etc.
Reading: ジュツ(ジュッ)、すべ*
術(ジュツ): an art, a technique, a skill; a means, a way; an artifice, a trick
術計(ジュッケイ): an artifice, a stratagem, a ruse, a trick
術後(ジュツゴ)の: postoperative, post-op
医術(イジュツ): medicine, medical science, medical skills
学術(ガクジュツ): (advanced) learning, science, scholarship, art and science
技術(ギジュツ): a technique, a skill, an art; technology, technical knowledge
芸術(ゲイジュツ): art, a work of art, an artwork
柔術(ジュウジュツ): jujitsu, judo
手術(シュジュツ): 【medicine】an operation, a surgical operation, surgery
馬術(バジュツ): horseback riding, horsemanship, equestrian skills
術(すべ): a means, a way, how to do…
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