Today’s second #kanji is #西, which is listed under #にし/#かなめのかしら(襾). 西 looks similar to 四 (4).
Meaning: West
Reading: セイ(ゼイ)、サイ(ザイ)、にし
西洋(セイヨウ): the West
西暦(セイレキ): the year of grace, Anno Domini
南西(ナンセイ): southwest
鎮西(チンゼイ): the old name for 九州(キュウシュウ) – the 3rd biggest island of Japan
西国(サイゴク): a country lying to the west; lands lying southwest of the Kansai Region
関西(カンサイ): the Kansai, the Kansai Region
東西(トウザイ): east and west, the East and the West
西(にし)に行(い)く: to go west
西日(にしび): the westering sun, the afternoon sun
<Difficult Reading>
西瓜(スイカ): a watermelon
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