Today’s #kanji is #観, which is a modern version of 觀. It is made of its semantic element of 見 and phonetic element of 雚. Do you know what it means?

Meaning: to look closely
Reading: カン、み(る)*
観客(カンキャク): [noun] a spectator, an audience, a visitor
観光(カンコウ): [noun] sightseeing, tourism
観察(カンサツ): [noun] observation, [legal] supervision
観測(カンソク): [noun] observation, a survey, surveying
観念(カンネン): [noun] an idea, a concept; resignation; [Buddhism] meditation
外観(ガイカン)[noun] external appearance, an outward aspect
客観(キャッカン): [noun] the object, objectivity
主観(シュカン): [noun] the subject, subjectivity
楽観(ラッカン): [noun] optimism, an optimistic view
先入観(センニュウカン): [noun] a preconceived idea, a preconception, a prejudice, a bias
芝居(しばい)を観(み)る*: to see a play (見る is more common)
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