Today’s first #kanji is #言 which is listed under its own radical 言. However, its original form was a combination of 辛 and 口, so it has something to do with a mouth.
Meaning: to say, words
Reading: ゲン、ゴン、ギン*、い、こと(ごと)
言語(ゲンゴ): (a) language, speech
言行(ゲンコウ): speech and behavior, words and deeds
予言(ヨゲン): (a) prophecy, (a) prediction, a forecast
言言(ゲンゲン): (each and) every word
無言(ムゴン): silence, muteness
遺言(ユイゴン): a will, a person’s dying wish
言(い)う: to say, to utter; to express; to call
言葉(ことば): language, a dialect; a word; a statement; expression; phrasing; a speech
寝言(ねごと): talking during a person’s sleep; silly talk
戯言(たわごと): silly talk, nonsense, rubbish
<Difficult Reading>
言言(ギンギン)*: discreet, prudent (It is listed in kanji dictionaries, but I’ve never used/heard this word myself)
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