Today’s #kanji is 負, which is listed under the radical of #かい(貝, money/wealth). 負 is a compound ideograph made of 貝 and 人 (a person) depicting a person holding money.
Meaning: to bear, to carry, to be burdened with a responsibility, etc.
Reading: フ(ブ)、ま、お
負(フ): a negative number, a minus sign
負荷(フカ): a burden, a load
負債(フサイ): a debt, liabilities, arrears
負傷(フショウ)する: to get injured, to sustain an injury, to be wounded
自負(ジフ)する: to be self-confident, to be proud of oneself; to pride oneself
勝負(ショウブ): victory or defeat; a match, a bout
正負(セイフ): positive and negative, plus and minus
抱負(ホウフ): (an) aspiration, (an) ambition, (a) plan
負(ま)ける: to lose, to be defeated; to surrender, to consede; to be overcome, to yield
負(お)う: to bear, to carry… on one’s back; to be burdened with (a responsibility), to become responsible for…; to incur, to suffer; to owe
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- かい